Thermoplastic/plastic sheet

Rolf Schmidt Industriplast stocks all kinds of thermoplastics and plastic sheet. The flexibility of thermoplastics makes the material suited to a wide range of purposes, for the production of durable components. Plastic is therefore also a relevant alternative to replace steel. Thermoplastic refers to the group of plastics that can be shaped following heating, and which become solid again after cooling. This makes it easy to work with the material, which is also known as technical plastic or construction plastic.

We supply all types

We can deliver whatever kind of plastic you need. Our extensive range includes all types of plastic sheet. We stock the following:

  • PA6 Ext –
  • PA6 Guss.
  • POM
  • PE
  • PMMA
  • PETG
  • PP
  • PC – Polycarbonate
  • PTFE
  • PETP
  • PEEK
  • PUR
  • PVDF

Many of the materials above are also available with additive materials.

Contact us today

Telephone: (+45) 75 53 41 66

Termoplastic terms




Commercial name:


Chemical name:


PA6 Ext Nylon, Ertalon, Nylontron Polyamid
PA6 Guss Nylon, Ertalon, Nylontron Polyamid
POM Delrin, Ertacetal Polyacetal
PE Nonfric, Rialen, Tivar Polyethylen
PMMA Akryl, Plexiglas Polymethylmethacrylat
PETG Vivak Polyethylene Terephtalate glycol
PP Hostalen Polypropylen
PC Laxan, Markrolon Polycarbonat
PTFE Teflon, Flurosint Polyetrafluorethylen
PETP Ertalyte, termoplastisk polyester Polyethylenentereptalat
PEEK Ketron, Victrex Polyetheretherketon
PUR Vulkullan, Philan Polyurethan
PVDF Symalit Polyvinylindenfluorid
PVC Trovidur, Vikupor Polyvinylchlorid